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822 topics in this forum
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File Name: Tanked Season 2x03 "Serenity Now" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 28 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 2x03 "Serenity Now" April 28, 2012 A tank for a tattoo parlor in Las Vegas to soothe nervous customers; a show piece for a furniture store in North Carolina. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 2x02 "Old School vs New School" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 28 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 2x02 "Old School vs New School" April 21, 2012 A pinball-machine tank for an arcade-game enthusiast in Chicago; a tank for a robotics-systems company in Massachusetts. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 2x01 "Fish Out of Water" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 28 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 2x01 "Fish Out of Water" April 14, 2012 Wayde and Brett are back home in New York to see a long-time client to discuss the installation of a shark tank for his recently built orthodontist office. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x06 "Tricks of the Trade" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 28 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x06 "Tricks of the Trade" September 16, 2011 A skateboard ramp tank has Wayde & Brett grinding their gears to find a solution to keep the acrylic from scratching; The ATM team builds a surprise octopus tank for Wayde's birthday; and Vegas weather is threatening a meltdown on an outdoor gumball tank. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x05 "Good Karma" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 28 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x05 "Good Karma" September 9, 2011 A request for a precisely constructed Feng Shui tank helps Brett discover his zen, unlocking the gateway for inner peace and outward annoyance to his fellow ATM crew. Meanwhile, an overhead bed boat tank, custom themed after a well-known children’s book, brightens the spirits of a five-year-old boy with many surgeries ahead of him. Brett and Wayde are brought to tears by the gratitude of the little boy, who couldn’t dream of anything more. Finally, a visit to the Atlantis Aquarium ta…
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Boas, Nos tópicos de água doce só consigo ver até : AQUÁRIOSAQUASCAPING,LOW-TECH,PALUDÁRIOS, TERRÁRIOS E AQUA-TERRÁRIOS Depois não tenho acesso aos aq. ciclideos asiáticos e americanos, comunitários, etc. Desde ontem. cumpr. Sérgio Vale
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Boa Tarde, Venho sugerir uma alteração, ou um complemento ao sistema de leilões de que existe actualmente. A maior parte dos leilões são ganhos no minuto final, e por muito emocionante que isto pareca, eu acho que é injusto tanto para quem está a licitar como para os vendedores. Porquê? Porque quem vai ganhar é quem for mais rápido no botão ou tiver disponibilidade para ficar até ao fecho do leilão, etc. Quem está interessado desde o ínicio, fica sem hipotese de fazer uma nova oferta, e o vendedor acaba também por perder dinheiro. 1. O que eu proponh:o é que a partir da hora final seja definido um leilão às cegas, em que todos os interessados e já a participa…
Boas, O que se passa com o forum? Está um pouco parado, acho eu.
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x01 "Brett Takes A Dive (Pilot Episode)" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 09 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x01 "Brett Takes A Dive (Pilot Episode)" August 7, 2011 Brett builds a car theme tank in record time, and Brett is nervous to use his new scuba skills. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x04 "Be Cool" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 10 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x04 "Be Cool" September 2, 2011 The finishing touches are put on a 57,000 US gal (215,768 l) aquarium in a Dallas mega-church; a woman surprises her fiance with a -keg tank for his basement hangout; Brett makes unauthorized enhancements to a lawyer's reception-desk tank. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x03 "Rules of Engagement" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 10 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x03 "Rules of Engagement" August 26, 2011 A hydraulic tank gives a business a boost and comes with a hidden engagement ring; a diner owner wants a tank to go with the restaurant's decor. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Tanked Season 1x02 "Swimming with the Sharks" File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 10 Aug 2013 File Category: Tanked Tanked Season 1x02 "Swimming with the Sharks" August 19, 2011 In the premiere of this reality series about a family-owned, Las Vegas-based company that specializes in building custom aquariums, owners Wayde and Brett try to avoid sleeping with the fishes when they design a 1,000 US gal (3,785 l), mob-inspired tank. Meanwhile, Wayde's wife, Heather, is persuaded to walk among sharks; and the Acrylic Tank Manufacturing team works on a phone-booth aquarium for a homesick New York family. Click here to download thi…
by epiliflopes- 4 replies
boas. Nao sei se é o local certo mas espero que possam ajudar. sempre que tento criar um topico seja em que area for não consigo colocar paragrafos (ou menor eu coloco mas depois aparece tudo seguido), nao consigo colocar imagem ou mudar o tipo de letra pois nao aparecem aquelas opçoes de antes apareciam. Apenas aparece o local para o titulo do tópico e o local para escrever o tópico. Alguem sabe o que se passa? obrigada
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File Name: A Guide to Saltwater Aquarium File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 06 Aug 2013 File Category: Livros A Guide to Saltwater Aquarium Click here to download this file
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Olá a todos, Aquando da criação do fórum, há uns "aninhos" portanto, era normal os elementos gráficos dos chats e newsgroups serem mantidos numa parte binária desses programas. Hoje no facebook e afins, o que tem maior efeito viral e impacto, são precisamente as fotos e os vídeos. Por isso, fica aqui uma pergunta: fará sentido manter a secção de fotos e vídeos separada das outras áreas? Há 5 anos atrás a minha resposta era clara. Hoje começo a pensar se não será melhor manter tudo no mesmo local e simplificar a estrutura do fórum... por vezes, creio que os membros não sabem onde colocar os seus tópicos, se nas fotos e vídeos se no equipamento e set…
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 15 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 14 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 13 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 12 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 11 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 10 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: In-Stream Volume 9 File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: In-Stream ANGFA Qld publishes In-Stream to improve awareness about Australian and New Guinean native fish and aquatic life, and the continued enjoyment of them both in captivity and in the wild. ANGFA Qld and In-Stream are 100% volunteer managed. Click here to download this file
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File Name: Rainbowfishes ~ Their Care & Keeping in Captivity File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Rainbowfishes ~ Their Care & Keeping in Captivity Second Edition - 2011 Rainbowfishes ~ Their Care & Keeping in Captivity is a comprehensive and illustrated guide to the remarkable rainbowfishes found in Australia and New Guinea. It is an indispensable reference manual for anyone interested in keeping rainbowfishes in captivity. The book provides a tremendous amount of information for anyone from beginner to experienced keeper on just about everything n…
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File Name: The octopus : or, the "devil-fish" of fiction and of fact (1875) File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros The octopus : or, the "devil-fish" of fiction and of fact (1875) Author: Lee, Henry Subject: Octopuses Publisher: London : Chapman and Hall Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: English Call number: 39088008843153 Digitizing sponsor: Smithsonian Book contributor: Smithsonian Institution Libraries Collection: biodiversity; americana Scanfactors: 16 Full catalog record: MARCXML This book has an editable web page on Ope…
File Name: Illustrated handbook. Aquarium, picture salon, cyclorama, museum and technological collections under the control of the exhibition trustees... File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Illustrated handbook. Aquarium, picture salon, cyclorama, museum and technological collections under the control of the exhibition trustees .. ([n.d.]) Author: Sherrard, James E; Exhibition Building (Melbourne, Vic.) Subject: Exhibitions; Aquariums Publisher: Melbourne, Robt. S. Brain, Govt. printer Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: English Call nu…
File Name: The student's aquarium (marine and fresh water) : how to make and manage (1886) File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros The student's aquarium (marine and fresh water) : how to make and manage (1886) Author: Jacob, S Keywords: Aquariums Publisher: Newport, R.I. : F.W. Marshall, printer Year: 1886 Possible copyright status: Not in copyright Language: English Call number: 39088002867844 Digitizing sponsor: Smithsonian Institution Libraries Book contributor: Smithsonian Institution Libraries Collection: opensource; biodiversity Full catalog re…
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File Name: Life beneath the waters, or, The aquarium in America (1858) File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Life beneath the waters, or, The aquarium in America (1858) Author: Edwards, Arthur M.(Arthur Mead) Subject: Aquariums Publisher: New York ; London : H. Baillière Year: 1858 Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language: English Digitizing sponsor: U.S. Geological Survey Library Book contributor: U.S. Geological Survey Collection: usgeologicalsurveylibrary; americana; biodiversity Full catalog record: MARCXML This book is available wi…
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File Name: Aquarium Care Made Easy File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Aquarium Care Made Easy > Free Pet Ebook February 13, 2011 | Pets Free Pet info ebook “Aquarium Care Made Easy” looks at: Choosing Fish for Your Saltwater Aquarium, Maintaining Your Saltwater Aquarium, Aquarium and Fish Care Choices, Freshwater Aquarium Fish, Gasteropelecidae Fish Care and Aquariums, Home Aquarium, Marine and Freshwater Fish Aquarium Care, Mollies, Guppy Aquarium, and Fish Care, Removing Algae from Your Fish Aquarium, How to Care for and Clean a Saltwater Aquarium, Saltwater Aquariu…
File Name: The complete aquarium book; the care and breeding of goldfish and tropical fishes (c1936) File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Author: Innes, William T. (William Thornton), 1874-1969 Subject: Aquariums; Goldfish Publisher: New York, Halcyon house Year: 1936 Possible copyright status: No known copyright restrictions as determined by scanning institution. Language: English Call number: 01517034 Digitizing sponsor: MBLWHOI Library Book contributor: MBLWHOI Library Collection: biodiversity; MBLWHOI; blc; americana Full catalog record: MARCXM…
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File Name: Edwin, the Super Duper Otter File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Edwin, the Super Duper Otter An interactive children's book from the Seattle Aquarium Follow Edwin the Otter as he discovers what makes him truly special. Featuring some of your favorite creatures from the Seattle Aquarium, including an octopus, a pair of puffins, lumpsuckers and a harbor seal. Discover exclusive Seattle Aquarium content throughout the book, including eight interactive image galleries, seven videos and an Aquarium fun facts quiz. Bring the magic and fun of the Seat…
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File Name:'s Freshwater Aquarium e-Book File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Freshwater Aquarium's freshwater aquarium book download page. This freshwater aquarium book is FREE for anyone to download and use. Commercial use is prohibited. To view it: Left click on the download link below. You need a pdf reader to view it. To save it to your desktop: You can download this freshwater aquarium e-book by right-clicking and selecting "save as" on the pdf file below. To send it to your ipad or kindle device you can download the Se…
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File Name: Tropical fish - a beginner's guide File Submitter: João Branquinho File Submitted: 27 Jul 2013 File Category: Livros Free Tropical Fish E-bookOn this page you can download your own FREE copy of the e-book Tropical fish - a beginner's guide. Tropical fish - a beginner's guide is a great aid for anyone who is pondering the idea of setting up an aquarium, and is also recommended for the beginner aquarist who wishes to find out more about how to care for the aquarium in the best way possible.Tropical fish - a beginner's guide contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions about the set up and maintena…
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Estimados membros da comunidade Aquariofilia.Net, Após um upgrade do software do fórum na semana passada, surgiram vários problemas que estão a afectar diversas funcionalidades do fórum. Alguns dos problemas já foram resolvidos, mas outros estão ainda a ser tratados pelo suporte IPB. Pedimos desculpas pelos problemas causados, e estamos a fazer os possíveis para regularizar a situação. Já agora pedimos a vossa ajuda para reportarem aqui problemas que estejam a verificar ou problemas que já tenham sido resolvidos para podermos passar para outros. Obrigado! JB
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Um dos tópicos que criei, foi marcado como respondido penso que pelo forum) e ainda por cima por uma resposta dada por mim mesmo. É normal acontecer isso?? Como pode aparecer como respondido, se não tem respostas, mas sim mais duvidas?? Se aparece como respondido sem estar pode levar ao engano.
- 10 replies
Boa tarde... Não consigo fazer edição do meu tópico de vendas para actualizar. Quando faço "editar" converte-me o texto para html e o botão "use full editor" não funciona... Cumps, João