astyanax fasciatus mexicanus


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alguem me pode dar mais info sobre astyanax fasciatus mexicanus, vulgo peixe cego?


quantidade de especimes por aqua (considerando tipo- 1 por 50l)

compatibilidade com boca de fogo?

resistencia ou nao?



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Eu não sei se sabes inglês, mas aqui fica...


SYN:  Anoptichthys jordani, A. hubbsi

PD: The body is flesh colored with a silvery iridescence. The fins are colorless and transparent. Where the eyes should be, there are dark areas where the eyes have been covered with skin.

SIZE: To 3.5" (9 cm)

SS: None

S: middle

HAB: This fish is found in underwater lake and stream caves, and sub-terrain streams. North and Central America; from Texas to Panama.

TANK: 24" (60 cm) or 15 gallons (57 L). Very undemanding with regards to the tank set-up. The tank can include live plants as this species will not harm them.

WATER: pH 6-7.8 (7.2), 10-30 dH (14), 64-79°F (18-26°C)

SB: A peaceful fish that can be kept with other calm fish in a community tank. Can be kept singly or in groups.

SC: Livebearers, Corydoras, Loricarids, tetras, Gouramis.

FOOD: Live; aquatic insects, shrimp, Tubifex, insect larvae; flake.

SEX: Females are plumper and larger when mature.

B: Can be bred in cooler water temperature from 66-70°F (19-21°C). The eggs are laid at random. The eggs hatch in 24-72 hours and the fry are free swimming after six days. They can be feed small live and crushed dry foods. They grow quickly. The young have eyes which disappear shortly after hatching.

BP: 6. Breeding this fish is not difficult in tanks with a cooler water

R: This fish locates its food by its excellent sense of smell. The Blind Cavefish was formerly known as Anoptichthys jordani . This fish can mate with A. mexicanus, the regular, non-blind form. The Blind Cavefish navigates its way around the tank by using its lateral line. It is able to find foods and avoid obstacles.

DC: 2. A hardy, and excellent community fish.


Fonte: Mongabay.Com

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Estava uma lula no meio da auto-estrada, quando passa um peixe pargo a acelerar muito,

até que vê a lula e pára.

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- Estás pargo ou quê?

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