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boa tarde, comprei uma placa de cortiça e gostava de saber qual o tratamento nesseçario para ela ir para um aquário para tritões ventre de fogo, eu vou fervela bem fervida, é preciso mais alguma coisa?


desde já obrigado.

Editado por pedrous

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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se fervesses o esferóvite derretia.

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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basta ferver, e deixa dentro de agua uns 3 ou mais dias, para absorver mais agua


mas eu quero que flutue, não quero que absorva água

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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ok. vou fazer isso

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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já está no aquaterrário é dá um ar super natural, agora estou a tentar por terra nas fissuras e plantar algumas plantas(daquelas daninhas que dão uma flor rocha só para esperimentar), acham que sobrevivem?

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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apanhei agora alguns e já os pus lá , vamos ver se sobrevivem.

-You don't need to know all the answers. No one is smart enough to ask you all the questions
-Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
-Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.

Procuro L`s e peixes gato em geral, principalmente raros.

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