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Posts publicado por PedroPinhão

  1. Bom dia e bom ano, amigo Álvaro.

    Obrigado pela sua ajuda, pelo link que deu consegui pelo menos saber o nome do bicho, que afinal não são algas:

    Blue Green Algae, BGA
    Description    This isn't a true algae, but a bacteria called cyanobacteria that is able to photosynthesise. Covers everything in a blue/green slimy mat. Easily peels off but grows back again very quickly. It can smell pretty foul. It is very commonly found in the substrate and especially along the front glass where is receives light.
    Cause    Often caused by very low nitrates. It is fairly common to have it growing in the substrate against the front glass from where it can spread. Sometimes it appears with new setups that have had light and ammonia present at some point. Dirty substrates and filters may also bring it on. Poor water circulation is another possible cause.
    Removal    A blackout is the best method for this. Clean out as much of the algae as you can and do a 30 to 50% water change. If your nitrates are low then add some potassium nitrate to get levels to 20ppm. Remove CO2 and add an airstone. Turn off lights and cover the whole tank so no light can enter. Leave it for 3 to 4 days. No peeking and no feeding - fish will be fine without food for this period. After 3 to 4 days remove the covers and do a 30 - 50% water change. Remove airstone and start CO2. You will need to dose nitrates to keep them dropping too low again. Make sure your substrate and filter doesn't become too clogged up with mulm and also make sure you have good water circulation around the whole tank.
    Another option is to treat with Maracyn which is an anti-biotic. Seems to work well but may affect the biological filter. In the UK it is illegal to purchase Maracyn without first getting a prescription for it from a vet.
    If the BGA is originating from the substrate place some dark tape on the glass to hide the substrate from direct light.

  2. Bons dias a todos,

    Antes de mostrar fotos do problema, apresento o meu lago. Como qualquer lago, até estabilizar era um caldo de ervilhas, levou 4 meses e muito trabalho a clarear.




    Não utillizo filtragem UV, apenas fisica e biológica. Finalmente o esforço deu resultados e a água tornou-se límpida.




    Agora, algumas fotos dos seus habitantes, os peixes foram inseridos, as rãs apareceram sem convite.




    Agora que apresentei o meu lago, relato o meu problema. Desde o final de Agosto começou a aparecer por todo o lago umas placas verdes escuras a cobrir tudo, estão a matar as plantas aquáticas todas, deixo uma foto.



    Alguém saberá que alga, ou o que é isto? Como conseguirei controlar?


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