International AGA Aquascaping Contest - Abertura das candidaturas


João Branquinho
   (0 reviews)

This event begins 06/17/2017 and repeats every year for 10 occurrences


Hello Fellow Aquascapers,

We are excited to announce that the 2017 International AGA Aquascaping Contest will officially open for submission of aquascape entries on June 17th, 2017. As in the past, information including the guidelines, entry forms and other important information about the contest are all right here. Click here to begin your registration.

For this year’s contest, there is an important change to the entry process. Contestants will no longer need to physically print out the photo release for their aquascapes! You are still free to publish your photos anywhere you desire and the AGA will only use the photos for display as part of the contest results and other contest-related promotion as in the past.

For the contest to be a success, the contest committee is always looking for volunteers to help with the work load. The quality of the contest depends on the level of participation from dedicated volunteers from around the world, and this year will be no exception. Of particular importance is finding some people to volunteer for posting of information on websites both in the United States as well as internationally. If you are involved with an international forum or club, please consider helping out by posting announcements to the forums you frequent.

If you would like to get involved, please email me at

I look forward to seeing the aquascapes when they are revealed in November of this year! Good luck aquascapers!

Bailin Shaw 
Aquascaping Contest Chairperson

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